Making Sense of Soccer


Playing looking a bit Messi? (Sorry, I can’t help myself…)

Like futsal, the object of the game is to score goals by kicking the ball into a net at the opposite end of the field.

Unlike futsal, soccer is played on an outdoor grassy pitch.

There are 5 or 6 players on a team (depending on the league) with one as the goalkeeper. Unless a team is fortunate enough to have a specialist keeper, it is expected that players will rotate being goalkeeper.

The game consists of 2 x 18 minute halves, with a 5 minute half-time interval.

The game starts with a kick-off from the centre mark. All players of the team must start in their half of the field and the opposition must be at least 4 meters away from the ball at the start of play. You cannot score a goal with this kick.

Players cannot touch the ball with hands or arms while the ball is in play. Only the goalkeeper may touch the ball with their hands and only when they are in the goal area.

‘Goal kicks’ take the form of ‘rollouts’, where the goalkeeper rolls the ball back into play. A goal kick is awarded when the opposing team takes the ball fully across the goal line without scoring a goal.

Substitutions are rolling and can be made at any time. Goalkeepers can only be substituted when play is halted.

The off-side rule is not used in this style of soccer. There are no corner kicks.

No slide tackles. Players must not go to ground to steal back possession.

Still got questions and got some time on your hands?

Read all 144 pages of the official FIFA rulebook here 🤣


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