Player Spotlight πŸ’‘


We chatted all things basketball and JP with Aashna.

What was it like meeting your new team for the first time?

It was actually really easy! Everyone has been super friendly and having matching Just Play uniforms from the get go makes it easy to spot your team mates and makes you feel part of a team from the first game.

What else do you do in your spare time? Any fun facts we should know about you?

I am a Speech Pathologist, so I work at a hospital with people who have had a stroke or brain injury. In my spare time I love working out (...most of the time), going for walks and painting.


What kind of skill rating would you give yourself, on a scale from Sharon Strzelecki to Michael Jordan?

I like to think I bring my MJ game-winning attitude to every game… But my actual basketball skills might need some more fine tuning!

Do you have a fun story about your Just Play team?

Having twins on our team and a pair of sisters makes it extra fun to try call everyone the right name!

What would you say to someone who’s considering joining Just Play?

It’s a great way to just jump into a team and have some fun! I spent years trying to find a basketball team at a location that was near home. With Just Play is was actually so much easier, you don’t have to do any of the hard work. So if you want to start playing today I would say jump on it!


Event: Mini Golf with Mates


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