Player Spotlight 💡

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Here’s what 5-a-side star Ahmed thinks of Just Play ⚽️

What was it like meeting your new team for the first time?

It was easy to spot the team members by the Just Play top and court number provided prior to game time so it was pretty smooth. However, memorising all names in one go was a bit challenging since I am not the best at keeping names in my head 😀

What else do you do in your spare time?

Puzzles, gym, running, basketball and watching movies and spending time with my fiancé 😀

What kind of skill rating would you give yourself?

I play to stay active, have fun and be competitive.

Do you have a fun story about your Just Play team?

We got thrashed in a final with a biiiig goal difference. Bad timing to be out of shape 😅

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What would you say to someone who’s considering joining Just Play?

It's awesome!!


Jack of all trades, master of none


Player Spotlight 💡