A message from our Founder. 2024 and beyond.

Eleven years ago we started Just Play. 

There were a few individuals who wanted to play Basketball in Footscray but didn’t have a team. This was the origin of the idea to make it easy for anyone to play in a social sporting competition.

We started working away and, soon enough, days (and nights!) became months and then years. Over this time I realised that Just Play isn’t just a website, a collection of features, or even an (awesome) app - but rather an opportunity to help people make new social connections and have a great time playing sport. 

We’ve helped over 25,000 people get back in the game.

But Australia is a big place, and there is still so much more for us to do!

This coming year we’re doubling down on our goal to make getting back playing the easiest, smoothest, and most positive experience we can for you. 

We had a bunch of 1 on 1 calls in December 2023 with you, our players, to hear directly about what you loved and what you didn’t like so much. This invaluable feedback has informed some changes we’re making right now, as well as our roadmap for what’s ahead. 

Stay tuned for some new offerings within our existing locations and sports, as well as a few big surprises on the way!

What are we changing right now?

#1 How we handle it when you register for a league that doesn’t go ahead

We’re changing some things so this happens less often, and when it does that we will do way more for you. More notice, more give on our part and a result that ends with you playing more often! Explained in more detail here

#2 SMS. Yep, we’re supporting 2 way SMS, starting NOW
This is partly to help with #1 above and partly because we’re your organised friend that looks after your game of sport. Surely you can text your organised friend?! (Messaging via the app is still the fastest way to get support because we can see your info, league details, upcoming games etc… but if you don’t have the app then SMS is a great option). We’ll be saying hi via text soon 👋

#3 More one-off games at more price points
“Do you have any cheaper one-off games?”

Yes. We’re adding more games each week at a variety of price points, so you can find some games priced everywhere between $5 and $25. Head to the “OneGame” tab in the Just Play app to find a game. 

#4 More for our loyal supporters
To the many thousands of you that have played 5+ seasons and the many hundreds of you that have played 15+ seasons - thank you. Keep an eye out for giveaways of extra games, gear and some other surprises ahead.

#5 Playing tops, reversible singlets, Just Play gear and the cost of it all 
Up until January 2024 we always included a playing top at no extra cost to you in your first season. Essentially this has been paid for by everyone, both new players and long time players. We don’t want to be like the banks or energy companies who rip off existing customers to acquire new ones with shiny offers! Now, when you sign up for a new season you have the option to purchase a playing top from our new gear shop on the Just Play website. (Bonus, for the next week we’re including a free OneGame with any purchase from the shop). Explained in more detail here

The year ahead

My wish for the year ahead is for some fun 5-a-side games with new friends, plenty of time outside with my two little kids, and to continue to share and build stronger connections with everyone that makes up the Just Play community. 

We’re excited at Just Play HQ to be back at the whiteboards planning new offerings that we can’t wait to share with you and hear what you think. 

We’re always available if you want to say hi, or share some feedback. I believe that we have the best customer support team around, but you can always reach me directly at david@justplay.com.au as well.

Thank you for being part of the Just Play story so far! Here’s to an amazing year ahead.

David Argyle


New to town? Make mates fast through social sports.


How we handle leagues not going ahead.