Hey, I’m Emy 👋

Happy to be of service to you players of all ages! I like staring in front of my computer screens, making sure the time, date, and court number for each game is accurate on the JP platform. Or else, it will bother me to no end. Haha!

But truly, accuracy and precision is something I prize deeply. I love spreadsheets and databases and checklists, as well as working behind the scenes with them. I'm content when I see the team working seamlessly because I've taken time to input correct data.

Even though I like being in the background, you can pry me away from my monitors if you have questions. Understanding real-life scenarios pertaining to work and what people need is a constant preoccupation. A problem solved adds to my experience points!  

A little about me:

I'm into open source applications and Linux for desktops. I have 2 Debian distros on my machines currently. No, not Arch. Well, not yet. *wink*

You can call me a bookworm, and I have always been one ever since my first Franklin Dixon read at age 12.

I am of the opinion that everybody will benefit from having a Minecraft world. It enhances creativity and relieves oneself of the stresses of having limited property IRL.

Are you a sugar addict? I am, too! And based on what I read and watch online, I should start eating leafy greens and other veggies. Now how? Lol!