How does Just Play work?
Part 2: After sign up
You did it! You found a team and signed up - congrats! 💃
Now you can sit back and relax. Here’s everything you’ll need to know before your first game 👇
First game details
The first game details are send to us approximately 5 days before the start of the season. As soon as the competition managers from our partner venues release the fixture we will put it in the schedule and send you an in-app message and email with everything you need to know - including venue location, uniform requirements, and anything else you need to know about your team.
We then add extra games and season fixtures to the app schedule as soon as we receive them.
Once you’ve been places into the team, you’ll receive a “first game” notification. This is the info you’ll need to jump into your first game of the season (it also means you can see the team lineup!)
Uniform requirements
What to wear is always the hardest question… luckily we’ve got you covered 😎
For basketball leagues, a matching number jersey is mandatory - you can grab one from our store here
For other leagues, you can grab a Just Play T-Shirt from the link above, or feel free to wear any plain black top!
If there are any more specific requirements by the venue (futsal shoes, coloured shorts etc) they’ll be noted in the ‘competition details’ on the league listing.
Anything else I need to know?
If there’s any other info specific to your competition, it will be right there in the Competition details. Things to look out for - some of our partners require a membership with a state basketball/netball association or service not included in your Just Play fees. The reason these fees are not included is because players must register individually, and unfortunately Just Play aren’t able to register on your behalf.
The good news is, it’s super easy to register 🙌
It’s time for your first game
Feeling excited? Nervous? Both? No stress, I can guarantee most of your new teammates are feeling exactly the same way. The first game can be daunting, so we’ve put together some tips on how to make the most of your first game and be super prepared.
The most important things to keep in mind are:
⏱ Arrive on time
🗣 Make time to have a chat with your new teammates
👯 Share court time
😎 Be cool (aka - adhere to our Code of Conduct)
Number of players on a team + substitutions
You might look at your team lineup and think “Wow! That’s a lot of players!” Don’t stress, we’ve definitely done that for a reason. We’ve been managing teams for nearly 10 years now, and in that time we’ve learnt a few things. Our aim is to strike the perfect balance between not having enough players and having too many players on a team.
One of the things we’ve seen over the years is that on average 1-3 players will be unavailable per week, so we take this into account when allocating teams. A lot of the time these players drop out within 12 hours of the game, which can make it difficult for us to find fill-ins in time for the game. We’ve also found that unfortunately after the first 2-3 games in a season attendance starts to drop off. Through trial and error, we’ve discovered it works best for everyone to have extra players already in the team so you’re not left short at game time. You can check your game details at any point for an up-to-date lineup.
Still got a lot of players at the game? The more the merrier we say! But to be extra helpful, we’ve put together a handy substitutions guide that breaks down subs by sport 🙌
RSVPs and missing a game
Can’t make it to a game? No problemo. Just RSVP “no” to any games you can’t attend.
The earlier you update your RSVP, the better, as it gives us at HQ plenty of time to organise fill-ins for your team.
We know a ton of our teams have group chats on WhatsApp or Messenger (which we love and strongly encourage) - plus we’re excited to launch our Game Chat feature in the next app update! However letting the team know you can’t make it to a game via chat is not the same (or equally good) as updating your RSVP. We will not be monitoring chats so unless you update your schedule or calendar, we’re going to assume you can make it to the game and won’t organise a fill-in, which could potentially leave your team short and result in a forfeit.
I want to be super prepared
That’s awesome! Love the enthusiasm 😍
We’ve put together a schmick little Player Handbook just for you, so you can feel super prepared for your season. It’s a quick read, but a great one, even if I do say so myself.
Feel like you’ve missed a few steps? Check out part one for everything you need to know before sign up 👇
Have we missed anything? Got any other questions? Shoot us a message and we can help you out 🙌